Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
This exam utilizes a magnetic field and measurement of characteristics of pulsed radio waves acting on that field to create an image. Although no preparation is required, patients with heart pacemakers and some types of cochlear (inner ear) implants or brain aneurysm surgery clips may not be able to undergo the exam. Ask your physician or representative during registration at the facility performing the exam.
The exam is offered at:
Houston Northwest Medical Center
Cypress Fairbanks Hospital
Tomball Regional Hospital
All types of MRI are offered including: brain, spine, limbs and joints, abdomen, chest, pelvis, and MRA (Magnetic Resonance Angiogram) for blood vessels. Open MRI is now available at Houston Northwest
Medical Center and Cypress Fairbanks Medical Center for claustrophobic patients.
For additional information, visit this link: What is MRI?