X-rays are offered at all primary facilities and satellite locations served by HNRA. Exams include x-rays of extremities (hands, feet, arms, legs) and joints (wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees, hips, ankles), as well as the skull, spine, chest, and abdomen. Common procedures requiring fluoroscopy involve the gastrointestinal tract, e.g., upper gastrointestinal series (UGI) for the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum, barium enema (BE) for the colon.
The procedures do not require a radiologist on site for performance. Images are transmitted to the radiologists via PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) systems, and timely, accurate results are delivered to referring physicians within 24 hours. Unexpected or abnormal results are communicated to the referring physician by fax or phone.